As we slide into this historic new year, many of us are ready for renewal and positive change.
These chilly winter months are a great time to reflect, plant those seeds of change, give them nourishment and allow them to bloom in their time. Go inward to discover your soul’s calling in this moment. What’s next for you?
“New growth. New hair. New body. New man…” a friend said to me yesterday. Well, there’s that.
But seriously, take a dive within and see where it leads you. Contemplate how you’ve evolved and adjusted over these past 12 months in order to decide how you’d like to move forward. Revised attention might be required for your physical, emotional and mental bodies based upon your experiences of the past year. This is so specific to each one of us, as unique individuals, do take your time through this process.
Are your relationships the ones you want?
Are health and fitness in a good place for you?
Are you as calm in the face of chaos as you once were?
Before answering these questions or ones like them, begin with meditation, mindfulness and stillness. Moving meditations are beneficial, too. If you’re kinesthetic, this form may be quite effective for you. Through this process of meditation and asking yourself pertinent questions, you can set goals that are much more fulfilling for your life’s journey, as opposed to the same ol’ new year’s resolutions which may not fuel you at this time.
As human beings, we are constantly recycling old thoughts and common themes in our heads. But, when we activate the deepest parts of ourselves through the inner quiet and space which meditation provides, we illumine the truth of our soul in the present moment which leads us to living a more authentic life that’s beneficial for all.