The Good Love means deepening the connection to ourselves first, transforming what needs to be healed, and becoming a love magnet for our partner... and much more goodness in our lives! Daydree met her own husband online after years of kissing frogs, throwing back a few fishes, and almost giving up on the dating scene. It was a process that took true inner transformation, commitment, and one very important light bulb moment that changed everything. Yes, she is happily married. But, also, this experience led her along a path to pay it forward. How? By fostering transformation and growth in those seeking to access their own healthy love that has longevity.
Are you ready to allow more love in your life? Ready to meet your life partner?

Prepare for emergence and... Become a Love Magnet
We will help you become this 'love magnet' so you can access the relationship you desire by working from the inside - out. Much like butterflies, the seeds of our full potential lie within us so that they can emerge. Through our Good Love Program, we'll help you access this fertile ground where your successful relationship can flourish. We'll help you unleash your best communication skills - verbal and non-verbal, build a better rapport with your potential love match and learn how to 'get back out there' in the dating world if you haven't been in it for awhile. If you have been out there and not meeting the right type of people, we will help you uncover why this is happening. We'll help you navigate dating and online dating safely and securely, build long-lasting love relationships, and assist you in growing in self-love, most importantly.
This is a 7 session series of private 1-on-1 coaching.
Daydree Horner's Good Love program for Singles leads you through the butterfly process of transformation so that you too may become a Love Magnet and attract your Good Love. You will discover Your WHY which is the foundational piece to ground you in your purpose and values. In the following 6 sessions, you will mirror the transformational butterfly process. This means that during these sessions we'll start at the inception ~ understand your core beliefs in dating, patterns, blocks and toxic ties, destress, gain clarity with relaxing guided meditation and receive mindfulness tips for your journey. In addition to this, you will receive your personalized Vision of Love statement and mp3 recording. We will create your D2 List and learn of its benefit. You will understand more fully the male/female dynamics and communication pitfalls. Much like the butterfly process, you too, will shed more and more layers in order to, ultimately, become a love magnet.
Start your success now with the Good Love coaching!
How it started

​​“I approached Daydree at the Good Love at 53 years-old and feeling pretty fed up about my relationship status, if not completely hopeless. My entire adult life had been spent getting involved with men who didnʼt appreciate me, and who frankly did not have the qualities of men I knew would be right for my life. I told Daydree that I was sick of being single and that I had a pretty good sense I had a lot to offer the right guy, but he seemed to be nowhere in sight. In actuality, I wasnʼt feeling confident that I could attract him even if he did show up! This is where Daydreeʼs initial part of the Good Love is a brilliant beginning to the journey. During the Consultation Party, she sat down with my best friend Ray and me, and the two of them went over everything that I had to offer as a friend, a lover, and a human being. As difficult as it was to hear and accept, those affirmations really stuck with me throughout the process and allowed me to realize that I was indeed deserving of having a wonderful relationship. She guided me through a process of understanding what was not acceptable and I discovered that I had accepted almost everything on that list in previous relationships. So THAT was going to change! Next, Daydree guided me through writing my profile for two different online dating sites and held my hand as we went through each response I got. I know I would have never been that thorough on my own! The result of Daydreeʼs guidance and persistence was my meeting Ernie, a man who has gone far beyond any expectations I could have imagined. He gets who I am, we have fun together, share interests in almost everything, and love to make plans together. In fact, he has given me a promise ring and we will soon be moving in together! I would encourage anyone who has nearly given up or who is determined to be happy in love to take the the Good Love journey. The Good Love lets you open your heart to yourself and brings love ever closer. Thank you, Daydree!"
- Rebecca Klingler, Actor/ Writer/ Producer
How it's going

We’re getting married! A few months shy of my 54th birthday and a few months into the freedom of releasing my final toxic relationship, I was fed up with being single and determined to find the right partner for my life. Enter Daydree, the Good Love Coach whose wisdom and compassion led me to appreciating the value I can bring to a relationship and to clarifying what kind of relationship I want. Daydree took me by the hand and helped me clear out the confusion and clutter of my past and my tendencies. No long after I started coaching with her, I met Ernie. I think it was date number four when it hit me that he was the one. I finally understood what people mean when they say that! Starting a relationship late in life has its own challenges, but I’m happy to work through them because I’m so glad to have Ernie in my life. And I’m thrilled to begin this journey with him at this stage in my life. It truly is never too late! Thank you, Daydree, for guiding me through the process of finding the right guy for me, my future husband.
- Rebecca Klingler, Actor/ Writer/ Producer