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Good Self Talk

Daydree Horner

Updated: Sep 14, 2022

Almost time. My glass of water and supportive attitude were at the ready. The book launch was happening. Even though the launch was online and it wasn’t even mine, it might as well have been at an event hall filled to capacity with my fans. I was more than excited for my friend.

My girlfriend and writing coach, Colleen, along with her illustrator took questions and shared tons of information on their process while writing the book. I was riveted. What a fun time! I asked my question and felt quite satisfied. It had been a lovely event.

The last few questions were being answered as the online celebration was coming to a close. Just then, Colleen announced she was doing a giveaway of a very special coffee mug. Only a small circle of people had one - her editor, illustrator, agent, her mom’s best friend, mom, sister and Colleen. On the mug were images from the book. What a great prize! I’d be in an honored circle of 8. But winning a giveaway, puh-leeze! I might as well start contemplating dinner right now. I never win. Ever since I could remember, I thought it was pretty darn festive to win a prize at a party. Such a good feeling, plus it elevated the whole occasion. But it just didn’t happen for me.

“Guess a number between 1 and 500. The closest number wins the mug,” Colleen said. A flood of numbers started flowing through the online chat. 25, 13, 300… they kept going faster and faster. I sat back in my comfy chair. I was not participating. Silly stuff. I’m ready for dinner. Let’s go people! Then, the winning voice inside of me started saying: Sit forward. Be interested. Participate. Then, the doubter: Don’t even bother! You’re not gonna win. Sit back, gurrrl, it’s almost over.

At that moment, something happened. The winning voice was handed the baton and sprinted forward towards the finish line: Sit. Forward. Put your hands on the keyboard. Focus. And pick a number.

I did. I typed, 352.

Somehow, a feeling of pure satisfaction came over me. I listened to the best part of myself... and that was a very good thing.

The online event was over. I greeted my husband who had just walked into our office. Next thing you know, my phone was buzzing. I won. I had entered that honored circle of 8. But more than that, I listened to my higher self which I only heard because I nurtured that voice.

*Subscribe on our site ⬆️ for 3 tips on how to strengthen the voice of your higher self and quiet the doubter in you.

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