Everywhere darkness. Thank goodness I have a plethora of candles! Power outages immediately remind me to be keenly aware of my surroundings. Slow down. Can you feel where you're going? Finally… a candle. It’s funny how light easily permeates the darkness.
Darkness isn't exactly fun but it’s a wonderful reminder of how we take the necessity of light for granted both literally and figuratively.
The absence of light is darkness. It has no power. It is the light that has power over darkness. But why do we have such a problem accessing this light in the face of dark, heavy, troubling experiences?
We know that we cannot alter certain challenges that are naturally a part of life. A family member will die, someone we know will become ill, and so on. But we’re not here to pretend that darkness does not exist. However, we can bring our kindness, love and care to our relationships and every situation that needs it. That is light. It is the best of us. That part of you that creates a dinner for a grieving family, visits a friend or relative in need, or simply, tells your spouse that you appreciate his/her contribution to the family. When we show up with presence, grace and love, we bring the light.
*Subscribe to MyOshun ⬆️ for tips on how you can overcome the darkness by bringing more light to your life and your relationships.