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Single & married to work. You’re a boss. That is to be commended. But what you want most, you don’t have. Your plus one. Your person.

How did you get here?

There are a myriad of reasons this happens. But what matters most now is: How do you get to where you want to be? Obviously, your career and money making skills are stellar. So, could you translate those skills into a transformational love experience?

You see, if you’re a ‘high achiever/married to your work’ type, you might believe that if you’ve worked this hard to make money the relationship part should come fairly easy. But that isn’t always the way. Being successful with your career is similar, yet different to being successful in love. Your diligence and attention to detail that got you where you are today will be great when navigating dating apps for example. But you’ll also need some relaxation and reflection in order to become a love magnet and attract the best match for you.

Obviously, there are many different types of romantic relationships including polyamorous, situationships, etc. But for the purpose of this particular blog, I’m referring to those seeking monogamous love relationships.

We tend to attract who we are. That could be your best self, your wounded self or a combo plate of the two. Also, we can sometimes attract folks that crave our inner light but we don’t necessarily need them. Cheesy Casseroles of Dating, I like to call them. They may be delicious in the moment but ultimately not the best for wellness, if you feel me. That said, in order to become a strong and healthy love magnet, you must get real and ask yourself difficult questions. That requires shutting out the noise of the outside world. Relax. Go within. Do you want a relationship that truly nourishes you or are you down for a lifetime of cheesy casseroles?

Check out our newsletter for 3 tips that will help you become that fabulous, high achieving, love magnet.

Take care of yourself and each other.

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Daydree Horner

When we think of our favorite songs, the harmonies are impeccable. The melodies are catchy. We can’t get enough. Relationships are similar in form. Great harmony is required in order to make our relationships sing.

But how do couples maintain harmony and peace these days when fear, anxiety and stress have the potential to manifest as apathy, disconnection or short tempers between us?

First, let’s begin with what we mean by harmony. When individual sounds are joined together to create a whole unit, harmony is achieved. In a relationship, when someone hits the wrong chord the harmony goes off. There is no peace. Sometimes it’s just a small moment, one note. But if we are stressed, this moment can create discord.

However, we all have different types of relationships with our partners, so the sense of harmony and peace varies from couple to couple.

The ultimate goal is to understand your personal harmony within your relationship because there are no rules for a successful song. From Stravinsky to Frank Zappa, they broke the rules of harmony, yet still created beautiful music.

That said, what’s your harmony as a couple?

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Daydree Horner

Singles, boomerang your love! What? Yes, the love you embody can come back to you. It's in your good actions. Nothing you do is wasted.

A while back, my husband forgot his phone at home on his way to work. I knew the traffic would be brutal the later it became, so I tried calling the front desk at his job to see if I could alert him before too long. When I called, I got the security guard, Eileen. I told her what had occurred and she was quite empathetic in her response even though we did not know each other and she was not obligated to help me. She put me on hold and looked everywhere for David, but to no avail. Eventually, he ended up coming home and retrieving his phone. Yet, it was Eileen's thoughtful actions that day that stayed on my mind.

Cut to: St. Patrick's Day the following week. David comes home from work with St. Patrick's Day themed treats from who? Eileen. For both of us.

Singles: Be an Eileen. The way the universe works is this: We are made up of energy. A lot of it. So whatever we do or say will have an impact on others. When you choose to be good, caring and empathetic, for example, those values in the form of energy are sent out into the world and can act as a boomerang of love that comes back to you. The key is to have the awareness that it is so, especially if you want to attract a like-minded soul with your values. Tap into the knowing that you're attracting the best of you. You are a love magnet. Nothing is wasted. Everything matters.

Take care of yourselves and each other.

💚🦋 Daydree

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